About GMBA 系所介紹


To keep up with the trend of business globalisation, the Global Master of Business Administration (GMBA) emphasises on the nurturing of professionals in the globalised business management field. All the courses are conducted in English. The main goal is to

  1. Educate the students who are leaders or talents in different fields to possess the international communication abilities.

  2. Input diverse wide-range knowledge of business and management to study and discuss various types of business related topics and subjects.
  3. To provide the students to grow the leadership characteristics and ethics.

On the basis of this framework, the courses are designed by integrating the knowledge about business and management from a diverse and wide-range aspect instead of a focused and narrow-range course structure. We are practical oriented and stress on case study and analyses. Also, the international students from countries around the world study at GMBA program together enhance the exchanges and communications in a global manner; this advances the experience sharing activities on business running and management in different levels.


因應企業全球化的趨勢,商管專業學院碩士(Global Master of Business Administration, GMBA)學位注重具國際化經營管理人才的養成,全部課程均採全英語上課,其目標在培育具備國際溝通能力、多元寬廣的商業與管理知識而能研析跨領域的各種商管課題、以及具備領袖特質與倫理精神的領袖人才。循此目標,在課程設計上,將以多元寬廣的商管知識取代因為追求專精而嫌窄化的課程結構,講求實務應用取向與個案研析,並且與與來自各國之國際學生一同修習課程,增進國際間之交流,促進不同層次國際管理經驗之汲取。



1.  提供國際化學習的環境,培育具國際溝通能力的經營管理者
2.  強調多元的商管專業知識的傳授,培養具多元管理智能的人才
3.  培育具團隊領袖特質、重視企業倫理之經營管理人才



The curriculum emphasizes cross-national business management plus the integration of interdisciplinary business knowledge and practical applications, which is supplemented by business visits and various types of activities.

All the courses are conducted in English and incorporate the most current knowledge and practices implemented in today’s marketplace. Students will study with an international student body with multicultural backgrounds to hone the global communication skills.

The international faculty with varied specialties provides a diversified curriculum that fulfills students’ multiple interests, such as economics, marketing, statistics, and management in global businesses. The courses are partially lectured by invited scholars from abroad.

Curriculum  Map 

  • Foundation courses

Economics for managers, Accounting, Quantitative Methods, Organizational Behavior, Financial Management, Marketing Management

  • Core courses

MBA Experience Seminar, Management Control System, Quantitative Business Analysis, Business, Government, & Society, Marketing Strategy, Financial Strategy, Strategic Management

  • Elective courses

The elective course in STUST is classified into four categories including technology management, operation and logistics management, business management, innovation management.