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Admission 招生資訊

For Domestic Students

 Requirements: Meet One of the Two Requirements as Follows Below

A).  Have more than two years of full-time work experience and provide a certificate. Internships, part-time work or extra curricular activities may be included as work experience for applicants who have less working experiences than required.

B).  Applicants who are graduating this year need to perform in the top 40% academically OR have more than two-year working experiences of in-school internship, part-time job or extra curriculum activities. 

 How to Apply: Through Application or Examination

A).  Application Admission:

a). Documents Review (100%): Professional Performance & Working Experience. 

b). Application shall be taken around every December. The confirmed date is subject to the school calendar every academic year.

B) Examination Admission:

a). Interview (100%): Professional Performance & Working Experience.

b). Exam shall be taken around every March. The confirmed date is subject to the school calendar every academic year.



1.  具備2年以上之實務工作經驗並持有證明;工作年資不足部分,可以在校之實習、工讀、社團主要幹部經驗抵之。

2.  大學優秀應屆畢業學生,其學業成績總平均名次在全系()前百分之四十以內;或具兩年以上在校之實習、工讀、社團主要幹部經驗。

二、入學方式:甄試入學 或 考試入學

1.  甄試入學:

a.  書面審查(100%):專業表現及工作經驗。 

b.  甄試日期:約在每年12月進行。確切時間以學校公布之時程為主。

2.  考試入學:

a.  面試(100%專業表現及工作經驗。

b.  考試日期:約在每年2~3月進行。確切時間以學校公布之時程為主。



For International Students

How to apply:

International students please refer to Admission Regulation by Office of International Affairs for application details.


外籍學生入學申請規則請參考本校 國際處網站