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1042-Audience Volunteer

公告類型: 一般公告
點閱次數: 1119

Dear students:


The event, “2016 Mayor’s Cup English Presentation Competition”, is organized by Tainan City Government on the June 6th, 2016 at the Tainan City Hall, starting 2:00p.m. which is inviting foreign audiences. The detailed information is mentioned at the end of this mailer. All GMBA students are encouraged to attend this event. The attendance will be counted as an activity in the course of Culture Involvement.


For the convenience of our students, free transportation will be arranged to the venue and back to school when the event finishes, at 4p.m

Pick up time & Location:   1:20 p.m. E building, main entrance of Library 


If any of you are interested in attending this event, please send me an email (dept_gmba@stust.edu.tw) with your details by 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 25th, 2016(This is for insurance only)


ARC No.:

Date of Birth:


Please don’t hesitate to see me if you have any further questions.

We hope you can participate in this opportunity and look forward to seeing you on the day.



GMBA Office hours:





Kind Regards,



2016 Mayor’s Cup English Presentation Competition


Ø  Competition Date: 14:00-16:00, June 6th, 2016.

Ø  Venue: 10F conference room, Civic Center, Tainan City Hall. (No. 6 Yonghua Road, Sec. 2, Anping District, Tainan City)

Ø  Contestants: Around 10-15, each presentation time is around 7-8 minutes. The contestants are the manager/director who represent to each Bureau/Department in Tainan City Government.

Ø  Presentation Topic: Focus on municipal development issue.

Ø  Audience: foreign students/ foreigners are preferable.

Ø  The Audience voting: In order to choose the most popular award, each audience chooses 3 best contestants after the presentation finished.

發布日期: 2016/05/19
發布人員: 許寶心