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2015 Fall Semester (1041) - Reminding: Online application for oral defense - 2nd session

公告類型: 一般公告
點閱次數: 1231

Dear All,


The 2nd session onlineapplication for oral defense starts from Nov 23~Nov 29, 2015

Please find the attachedfile for more information. And click the website below. This website containsall the important documents including Oral defense instructions and leaveschool check off.



Also take note from thefollowing:

1.) Hand in your S1.–ABSTRACT, S2-Declaration and Thesis Proposal(chapter 1~3).

(S1 & S2 MUSThand in on Nov 30, 2015 before 12 noon)

(Thesis proposalMUST hand in on Dec. 04, 2015 12:00 noon)



Please complete the application form and hand in to theGMBA Office


Many Thanks


Please feel free to contact me if you have anyfurther questions.
GMBA office hours:

發布日期: 2015/11/24
發布人員: 許寶心