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2015 SPRING (1032) - Degree Examination Announcement (2nd session)

公告類型: 一般公告
點閱次數: 901
Dear All:

The Session 2 for postgraduate students degree examination application from May 4 to May 10, 2015.  
Applicants please refer to the link below
Complete the application and submit the documents required

Please hand in your S1.–ABSTRACT , S2-Declaration , and Thesis Proposal (chapter 1~3). 

(※S1 & S2 MUST hand in on May 11, 2015 before 12 noon)
(※Thesis proposal MUST hand in on May 29,2015 17:00)

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
GMBA office hours:

Office No.: 06-2533131 EXT.5201
E-Mail: dept_gmba@stust.edu.tw

Many Thanks

發布日期: 2015/05/01
發布人員: 嚴涓鳳