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公告類型: 一般公告
點閱次數: 1036

for student assessment of AACSB accredTiation

To achieve international recognition and excellent business education, Collage of Business (COB), STUST has devoted itself in the accreditation process of AACSB for the past years. One of the major stages in the accreditation process is the assessment of students’ learning performances which is to measure and ensure the quality of learning outcome. Therefore, all programs of COB are required to conduct the assessment annually for all the students who are graduating.

Starting from this year, GMBA office will implement the assessment for all the graduating students by the end of this semester. This assessment outcome will not affect your graduation. However, every senior student is required to take the assessment. The assessment will be conducted in a multiple choices question test which will cover the content of the courses including MARKETING MANAGEMENTORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENTFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT and PRODUCTION AND OPERATION.  The office will provide question database for your preparation which can be downloaded from MY e-learning system. 

The students need to participate the test is the senior students whose student ID start with “MA2N”.  More detail Information for the test is as following.

1. Date: Wed, May 27th, 2015,

2. Time: 09:30-10:30, during the class time of Corporate Governance

3. Room: S404

4. Test Question: 60 Multi-choices questions conducted in computer room.

Should you have any further questions regarding the assessment, please consult with office reprehensive, Ms. Yen at the GMBA office.


Wurong Shih, Ph.D.

Director of GMBA Program

發布日期: 2015/04/17
發布人員: 嚴涓鳳