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Feb.22~25 Final Course Selection: Adding/Dropping courses online

公告類型: 一般公告
點閱次數: 3076
Please go to Course Selection System  

2. Important Dates     
EventsTime PeriodsDates
(1) Selecting Courses4 days12/21 Fri. ~ 12/24 Mon.
(2) Posting results for event (1)4 days12/25 Tue. ~ 12/28 Fri.
(3) Add / drop Courses4 days02/22 Fri. ~ 02/25 Mon.
(4) Posting results for event (3)4 days02/26 Tue. ~ 03/01 Fri.
*For each time period listed above, the system is available from 9:00 a.m. of the first day to 23:00 
發布日期: 2013/02/18
發布人員: 郭容甄