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Curriculum 課程介紹

The academic and professional development activities will initially be directed to meet postgraduate educational needs of qualified international students who seek advanced business education that prepares them for professional management opportunities. The curriculum consists of six foundation courses, seven core courses and four elective courses this is a total of seventeen courses.




  1. 來自各國之國際學生一同修習課程,全課程採全英語上課,增進國際間之交流,並促進不同層次國際管理經驗之汲取。
  2. 強調多元的商管專業知識,培養全方位的跨國際管理人才。提供多樣化的選修課程,讓學生依個人目標,選擇適當的學習領域。
  3. 重視產業經營經驗,辦理企業參訪活動。
  4. 可協助本國籍學生申請海外研習機會至姐妹校修習學分或取得雙學位。
  5. 畢業後將具有高度國際競爭力,可勝任全球各經營管理職位之挑戰,生涯機會變成更多樣性。

Foundation courses:

Marketing Management , Organisational Behaviour and Management , Financial Management , Statistical Methods , Managerial Accounting , Business Research Methods , Managerial Economics.


Core courses:

MBA Experience Seminar, Management Control System, Quantitative Business Analysis, Business, Government, & Society, Marketing Strategy, Financial Strategy, Strategic Management


Elective courses:

The elective course in STUST is classified into four categories including technology management, operation and logistics management, business management, innovation management. Students can choose the courses based on their research interest or from existing elective courses from partner school.


Core Courses

Elective Courses

Marketing Management

Seminar on Service Management

Organization Behavior and Management

Management Information System

Financial Management

Statistical Data Analysis

Statistical Methods

Dynamic Competitive and Industrial Analysis

Managerial Accounting

Supply Chain Management

Business Research Methods

Human Capital Management and Development

Managerial Economics

Business Internship

Production and Operations Management

Seminar on Customer Relationship Management

Strategic Management

International Business Management

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

Cultural Involvement

Spoken Chinese (1A) (1B)

Short Term Courses by external lectures


  1. Elective courses listed here may be subject to change.
  2. See the latest curriculum from http://academic.stust.edu.tw/tc/node/course3


  1. 選修課程視情況有所選修
  2. 課程時序表請參考 http://academic.stust.edu.tw/tc/node/course3

Regulation of the Course

All students should finish required courses 30 credits, elective courses at least 21 credits, a total of 51 credits, to proceed with the thesis 6 credits. Students are required to finish the thesis writing in Taiwan. Most of the students can finish the degree requirement of 57 credits within two years.



